Nursery Policies

It is the aim of Phoenix Childcare to provide a safe and happy environment, where children feel secure and valued in their play and learning. In order for us to achieve this, we intend to work very closely with parents and carers, respecting and valuing their opinions.

We appreciate however, that despite all best intentions and evidence of good practice, there will be the occasional circumstance where parents/carers may wish to raise a cause for concern or lodge a complaint.

All complaints will be taken very seriously.

It is hoped that because of the close relationship between the nursery staff and parents, less serious issues will be dealt with through friendly one-to-one discussions with the child’s Key Worker. The member of staff will then inform the Room Supervisor as soon as possible.

In more serious cases the parent is invited to speak to the Room Supervisor directly and in private. The Room Supervisor will report back to the Nursery Manager, and a written record will be made at this stage.

If the parent feels that they still have a grievance, they will be invited to speak to the Nursery Manager in private. The manager will take responsibility for appropriate and prompt action, including disciplinary measures if deemed necessary. Feedback will be given to the parents within 28 days. The manager will keep a written record of a) the nature of the complaint b) who made the complaint c) response and follow up, including dates.

If the parent continues to be concerned, they can contact OFSTED:

0300 123 1231

We will provide OFSTED, on request, with a written record of all complaints made during a specific period, and the action that was taken as a result of each complaint.

Policy updated July 2023

Due to be updated July 2024

Date of last review: May 2023





Designated safeguarding lead – Tracy Guest


Deputy designated safeguarding lead – Libby Laing/Fiona Andrews


Registered provider – Alex Fernihough


Setting manager – Fiona Andrews/Libby Laing


Family Front Door (Children’s Social Care in Worcestershire) – 01905 822666 Weekdays 9.00 to 5.00pm (4.30 Fridays)
01905 768020 (evenings and weekends)


Police – Call 999 in an emergency, e.g. when a crime is in progress, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened. For less urgent issues call local police on 101.


Ofsted – 0300 123 1231


Worcestershire Children First Early Years Team – 01905 844048


Community social workers – Contact via the Family Front Door on 01905 846057


Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) – 01905 846221 (or via the FFD)


Related policies [delete/add as appropriate]


– Health & Safety Policy

– Complaints Policy and Procedure

– Behaviour policy

– Prevent Duty and Radicalization



The actions we take as professionals and as a society, to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm, are referred to as ‘safeguarding’.

Safeguarding can be defined as:


– Protecting children from maltreatment

– Preventing impairment of children’s health or development

– Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

– Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. (‘Working Together to Safeguard Children”, DofE 2018).



Child Protection is part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. It refers to an activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.


This policy has been developed in line with the following legislation and guidance:


Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (

The Children Act 1989

The Education Act 2002 

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 

The FGM Act 2003

The Children Act (2004) 

The Childcare Act (2006) 

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) 

The Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations (2009)

Children and Social Work Act (2017)

Education inspection framework (EIF) – GOV.UK (

Inspecting safeguarding in early years education and skills setting (Ofsted 2019)



Roles and responsibilities:

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and therefore all adults working in the setting will:


– Take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well

– Promote good health

– Manage behaviour

– Be alert to any issues or concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere

– Meet the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2021)

– Follow the policies and procedures of the setting and notify the relevant person or agency without delay if concerns arise

– Keep appropriate records

In addition, the registered provider ensures that they:


– Have regard to the government’s statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’ and to the ‘Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales 2021

– Implement the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021)

– Create a culture of vigilance where children’s welfare is promoted and where appropriate and timely action is taken when necessary to safeguard children.


– Make specific arrangements for children’s safety and wellbeing, including:


– The requirements for first aid, policies and procedures for responding to children who are ill or infectious, and those for administering medicines.

– Keeping a written record of accidents or injuries and first aid treatment and informing parents and/or carers of any accident or injury sustained by the child.

– Ensuring the premises are fit for purpose, compliance with health and safety legislation, and appropriate risk assessment.

– Having an evacuation procedure and suitable fire detection and control equipment.

– Ensuring staffing arrangements meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety and implementing a robust key person system.

– Notify local child protection agencies and Ofsted of any serious accident, illness, or injury to, or death of, any child while in their care, and of the action taken.

– Only release children into the care of individuals who have been notified to the provider by the parent and ensure that children do not leave the premises unsupervised.

– Take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the premises.

– Record the required information about each child, name, date of birth, who has parental responsibility, etc., and the required information about the registered provider and adults in regular contact with children.

– Have a complaints procedure and records.
– Keep attendance records
– Notify Ofsted of any changes e.g. a new manager, the address of the premises, the name or address of the provider, any proposal to change the hours during which childcare is provided, etc


The DSL ensures that they:

– Take lead responsibility for safeguarding children in their setting
– Liaise with local statutory children’s services agencies
– Provide support, advice, and guidance to other staff, on any specific safeguarding issues as required.
– Share child protection information with the DSL of any receiving setting or school when children leave the setting.
– The role is explicit in the DSL’s job description and they are given sufficient time, resources, and funding to fulfill their role. They attend a training course that enables them to identify, understand, and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect and renew this bi-annually.
– The provider nominates a deputy DSL to ensure availability at all times during the hours of operation, but the DSL retains overall responsibility.


Use of technology:

We use an electronic assessment system Tapestry. Staff complete records while on site using the devices provided by the setting. The setting also provides a mobile phone for outings. Staff are not permitted to use their own devices in the setting except in the staff common room and office where there are no children present. This includes all devices with cameras.



Safeguarding as part of the curriculum:

We support children’s personal, social, and emotional development, and as part of this, we teach children how to keep themselves and others safe. For example, we teach children independence, self-care, and confidence, and we ensure that children understand personal boundaries and acceptable behaviour towards others and themselves. More specifically we support children in understanding healthy and positive relationships and issues of privacy and respect.


Recognizing abuse and neglect:

We recognize that many factors contribute to a child’s well-being, and development, including the parenting capacity of carers and the family home environment, and we are in a unique position to observe any changes in a child’s behavior or appearance which might suggest that they need support or at risk of harm.

We understand that abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm which in itself harms a child. Children may be abused in a family or an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or more rarely by a stranger, for example via the internet. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children. When the abuser is a child it is important to remember that they may also be at risk and these concerns should be raised with the appropriate agencies too.


Physical abuse:

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of or deliberately induces illness in a child.


Emotional abuse:

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.


Sexual abuse:

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing, and touching outside of clothing.

They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the Internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.



Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:

– Provide adequate food, clothing, and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
– Protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
– Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers), or
– Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

– Neglect may also include unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs.

We are alert to possible signs of possible abuse and neglect, for example:

– Bruising on parts of the body that do not usually get bruised accidentally, e.g. around the eyes, behind the ears, back of the legs, stomach, chest, cheek, and mouth (especially in a young baby), etc.
– Any bruising or injury to a very young, immobile baby.
– Burns, scald, or bite marks.
– Any injuries or swellings, which do not have a plausible explanation.
– Bruising or soreness to the genital area.
– Faltering growth, weight loss, and slow development.
– Unusual lethargy.
– Any sudden uncharacteristic change in behavior, e.g. child becomes either very aggressive or withdrawn.
– A child whose play and language indicate a sexual knowledge beyond his/her years.
– A child who flinches away from sudden movement.
– A child who gives over-rehearsed answers to explain how his/her injuries were caused.
– An accumulation of several minor injuries and/or concerns
– A child whose attendance is erratic, or suddenly ceases, without any contact from the family
– A parent’s behavior or presentation, e.g. evidence of possible alcohol or drug misuse, mental health difficulties, or domestic violence
– Arrangements for the collection of the child give rise to concern
– Hunger/thirst at the start of the day
– Lack of attention to the child’s basic hygiene needs
– A child who discloses something that may indicate he/she is being abused


We are also aware of specific risks and forms of abuse and we ensure that our training includes these, for example:

Children and the court system:

Children are sometimes required to give evidence in criminal courts, either for crimes committed against them or for crimes they have witnessed.


Children missing from education:


Children below statutory school age are not required to attend a setting regularly if at all, but once registered most do attend regularly and most parents will let the setting know if they are not going to be present. Therefore, we consider children not attending and seek to assure ourselves that the child’s absence is not a cause for concern.


Children with family members in prison:


These children are at risk of poor outcomes including poverty, stigma, isolation, and poor mental health.


Child Exploitation:

Child exploitation occurs when an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate, or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18. This may be child sexual exploitation, which does not always involve physical contact, it can also occur through the use of technology and can still be abused even if the sexual activity appears consensual.

It could also be child criminal exploitation, e.g. ‘county lines’, which is a geographically widespread form of harm involving drug networks or gangs, who groom and exploit children and young people to carry drugs and money from urban areas to suburban and rural areas, markets, and seaside towns. Exploitation may also involve modern slavery and trafficking, which is not always from country to country, sometimes children are trafficked within the local area.


Domestic abuse:

Any incident or pattern incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behavior, violence, or abuse, between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. Exposure to domestic abuse can have a serious, long-lasting effect on children and young people.



Being homeless or being at risk of becoming homeless presents a real risk to a child’s welfare. Indicators that a family may be at risk of homelessness include household debt, rent arrears, domestic abuse, and anti-social behavior.



So-called ‘honor-based’ violence:

Encompasses incidents or crimes which have been committed to protect or defend the honor of the family and/or the community, including female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, and practices such as breast ironing. All forms of HBV are abuse (regardless of the motivation) and will be handled and escalated as such.


Online Safety:

Children are often more adept at using technology than the adults around them but do not necessarily understand the risks posed by those whom they ‘meet’ online. In many cases, too parents are not fully aware of the risks and we therefore endeavour to inform and empower parents and carers.


Peer-on-peer abuse:

Children can abuse other children. This is generally referred to as peer-to-peer abuse and can take many forms. This can include (but is not limited to) bullying (including cyberbullying); sexual violence and sexual harassment; physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm; sexting and initiating/hazing type violence and rituals. In such circumstances, we would consider the potential needs of the perpetrator as well as the victim.


Poor mental health:

Poor parental mental health can be a significant risk factor for children, and we would consider this in our assessment of children’s needs. We also acknowledge that children’s mental health is an important factor in their health and development in both the short and long term, and we, therefore, work to promote good mental health and consider signs and indicators of poor mental health in children, as part of our safeguarding responsibilities.

Preventing radicalisation:

Children are vulnerable to extremist ideology and radicalization. Similar to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse, protecting children from this risk is a part of a setting’s safeguarding approach. As with other safeguarding risks, staff are alert to changes in children’s behaviour which could indicate that they may require help or protection. All staff complete training on Prevent and British values.


Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children:

Sexual violence and sexual harassment can occur between two children of any age and sex. It can also occur through a group of children sexually assaulting or sexually harassing a single child or group of children. It can occur online and offline (both physical and verbal) and is never acceptable.


Special education needs and disabilities:

Children with SEND are far more likely to be abused or neglected, possibly because of the challenges faced by parents and carers, or because they are particularly vulnerable if they have delayed cognitive and language development, and possibly because signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect can sometimes be attributed to their condition. We acknowledge and understand that unwanted behaviour in particular can be an indicator of trauma as a result of abuse and neglect and would therefore consider all needs holistically to determine the right kind of support for the child and family.


Procedures for responding to concerns:

Any adult working in the setting who is concerned about a child or who identifies that a child or family may need extra help and support will discuss this with the DSL. They may also want to discuss with their SENCo and/or a colleague from another agency to get a better understanding of the child and their family, and this will be with the family’s consent.
We also recognize the importance of context, i.e. the family and wider environment in which the child lives.


Emerging concerns:


We may find that general concern begins to build up around a child’s behaviour, demeanor, or presentation. Concerns may include what is seen or heard and may include the way family members relate to the child and/or the setting. Such concerns may not seem to be very significant on their own but together may indicate a need for family support that should not be ignored. Therefore, concerns are always recorded factually and accurately along with any decisions or actions taken to support the decision-making process.


Responding to disclosure:

A disclosure occurs when a child or young person indicates directly, or through play or drawings for example, that he or she has been or is being abused in some way. Occasionally a disclosure may be very clear and contain specific details about whom, or what was involved, or where and when apparent abuse took place. More commonly disclosure emerges as part of routine activity or conversation.

If a child makes a disclosure we will:

– Contain our reaction as far as possible – try not to express shock or disbelief
– Listen to the child, accept what they say, and communicate to them that we accept it.
– Not make any promises to the child about not passing on the information – the child needs to know that someone who will be able to help them will be spoken to.
– Record the information as accurately and quickly as possible, including the timing, setting, and those present, as well as what was said.
– Discuss with the DSL to determine the most appropriate course of action.
– Not interrogate the child. We may ask for clarification but will not ask leading questions. We will use ‘TED’ questions, i.e. ‘Tell me what happened’, ‘please explain what you mean when you say ….’ and ‘Can you describe the person?’ or ‘Can you describe the place?’

Sharing concerns with parents and carers

Concerns will generally be shared with the child’s parents/carers. This can eliminate misunderstandings and can help us better understand the needs of the child and the family situation. It also ensures that our relationship with parents is built on trust and openness. Parents are fully involved in decision making and we seek consent to share information.

However, in some circumstances, we would not share information with parents or seek consent to share with others, for example, if:

– Sexual abuse is suspected
– It is considered that discussing the issue with parents may put the child at further risk of significant harm
– A criminal offense may have been committed
– Organised abuse is suspected
– Fabricated illness is suspected
– An explanation is given by parents/carers which is felt to be inconsistent or unacceptable.

We use the WSCP Levels of Need guidance to support our understanding of the child’s needs and our decision-making. In some circumstances, we may be able to offer additional support ourselves. Sometimes we might need to work with another agency or possibly more than one.

If possible, we will avoid a formal process, but when a child’s situation becomes more complex or there appears to be increased risk, it may be necessary to draw up more formal plans with the family to coordinate the work.


Level 1:

Represents children with no identified additional needs. Their needs are met through universal services and possibly housing or voluntary services.
If further support is required practitioners talk to the DSL and to the parents to offer support as appropriate. We would (with the engagement of the family) carry out an Early Help Assessment and seek consent to involve other professionals as appropriate, and/or talk to a community social worker for advice and support.

Level 2:

Represents children with extra needs that can be met by providing additional support or straightforward working with one or more partners, such as Speech and Language Therapy.

Level 3: Represents children with more complex or escalating needs. Possibly those professionals working to support the child and family at level 2 are not clear on the best way forward. The parents are advised that practitioners are seeking further advice (unless sharing this information would put the child at risk).

Level 4:

Represents children who need statutory and/or specialist interventions including both children in need and those in need of protection. A child in need is unlikely to have a reasonable standard of health and development without statutory or specialist service. A child in need of protection is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm.

If a child may be at risk of significant harm, the DSL makes a referral to the Family Front Door without delay. The DSL will do this by telephoning the Family Front Door and then completing a Referral to Children’s Social Care. If all lines to the FFD are busy, the DSL will complete a Referral to Children’s Social Care and indicate what time the child is likely to be collected from the setting.

Contact the Family Front Door on 01905 822666 weekdays 9.00am to 5.00pm (until 4:30pm on a Friday). Out of office hours (5.00pm to 9.00am weekdays and all-day weekends and bank holidays) contact the Emergency Duty team on 01905 768020

However, if the child needs immediate protection, we contact the Police on 999, and if a child is brought to us with serious injuries, we telephone an ambulance
Referral forms are printed and saved in the child’s safeguarding file.

If we are not in agreement with the Family Front Door about the level of need and appropriate action, we will use the levels of need guidance to support a professional discussion with the decision maker, and if still unsatisfied we will use the WSCP Escalation policy. In the meantime, we would continue to observe the child and support them and their family. If necessary, we would make another referral.


Open cases:

If there is new information about a child who already has an allocated social worker, we share this directly with them.


Supporting children:

We recognise that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation, and some sense of blame. We acknowledge that settings may be the only stable, secure, and predictable element in the lives of children who have been abused or who are at risk of harm, and we are aware that research shows that their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn.

The setting will endeavour to support all children by:

– Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness, as well as promoting respectful relationships, challenging bullying and humiliating behaviour
– Promoting a positive, supportive, and secure environment gives children a sense of being valued
– Consistently applying strategies that are aimed at supporting vulnerable children, and supporting children in understanding that some behavior is unacceptable but that they are valued and not to be blamed for any abuse which has occurred.
– Liaising with other agencies that support the child such as Children’s Social Care and Early Help providers.
– Notifying the Family Front Door immediately there is a significant concern and the child could be at risk of significant harm.
– Providing continuing support to a child about whom there have been concerns if they leave the setting by ensuring that appropriate information is forwarded under confidential cover to their new setting. A copy of records (which may potentially be required as evidence in the future), will be retained until the child has reached the age of 25 years.


Positive physical intervention:

Staff only ever use physical intervention as a last resort when managing unwanted behaviour, and it is the minimal force necessary to prevent injury or damage to property. All such incidents of physical intervention are recorded.
The physical intervention of a nature that causes injury or distress to a child may be considered under the management of allegations or disciplinary procedures.

We recognise that touch is appropriate in the context of working with children and all adults in the setting have been given safer working practice guidance to ensure they are clear about their professional boundaries.


Record keeping

– Documenting concerns:

Our records are a factual account of what was seen and heard, containing the child’s own words where appropriate and completed as soon as possible, not later than the end of the working day. The child is identified by name and date of birth on each page and we do not use abbreviations. Blank spaces or alterations are scored through with a single line, and the original entry remains legible. They are written in permanent black ink, dated, timed, signed, and stored securely.

– Records describe the care and condition of the child and may include professional opinions which would be indicated. They also include the comments and views of both the child and the parents/carers.

An individual file chronology is used as a summary of incidents, concerns, and actions, to support monitoring. We use a chronology for each child in the setting to support early identification of needs and these are held by the keyworker. If concerns are raised the chronology is passed to the DSL.

Safety and welfare concerns forms are used to record specific concerns and are completed by the person identifying the concern. The completed record is given to the DSL immediately, for consideration and/or action.

A safety and welfare concerns continuation form is used following the recording of a concern, to record additional information.

An individual child protection file is started for a child when:

– There are welfare and or safety concerns
– The child has been referred to the Family Front Door
– There is Children’s Services Social Care involvement with the child/family
– We are participating in multi-agency support

If concerns relate to more than one child from the same family attending the setting a separate file for each child is created and cross-referenced to the records of other family members. Common records e.g. child protection conference notes are referenced in each file. Other files relating to the child, for example, SEN information, are also cross-referenced.

An individual child protection file includes:

– Front sheet
– Individual chronology
– All safety and welfare concern forms relating to the child
– Any notes initially recorded
– Records of discussions, telephone calls, and meetings (with colleagues, other agencies or services, parents, and children/young people)
– Professional consultations
– Letters sent and received
– Referral forms
– Minutes/notes of meetings (copies for each child as appropriate)
– Formal plans linked to the child (e.g. Child Protection Plan)
Security, storage, and retention of records.

Individual files are stored securely and separately from the child’s other information so that they are shared only on a need-to-know basis. The DSL reviews such records regularly so that increasing concerns can be identified and action taken to ensure that needs are met.

Parents have the right to access information held about their child so records are shared with them if they make this request, however, there are some exceptions, namely those described previously in the section on sharing information with parents, for example when sharing the information would place the child at risk of significant harm.

All safeguarding records are retained until the child reaches the age of 25 years.

Transfer of child protection records at transition:

Records are transferred at each stage of a child’s education, when they move from one establishment to another, either at the normal transfer stage such as moving from nursery to school, or as the result of a move such as a transfer to a different area. They are transferred within 5 days and are passed directly and securely to the safeguarding lead in the receiving establishment. They are transferred by hand if possible or signed for if posted.

To safeguard children effectively, when a child moves to a new educational establishment, the receiving establishment is immediately made aware of any current child protection concerns, by telephone before the transfer of records.

Children in more than one setting:

Where children are dual registered (e.g. on roll at a mainstream school, but receiving education in another establishment, such as a short stay school or the MET or attending more than one early years setting), any existing child protection records are shared with the new establishment before the child starting, to enable the new establishment to risk assess appropriately.

We keep a copy of the transfer form along with a copy of the chronology of events and any records about the establishment (e.g. completed ‘welfare concern’ forms).

Children subject to a Child Protection (CP) plan:

If a child is the subject of a child protection plan at the time of transfer we speak to the safeguarding lead of the receiving establishment giving details of the child’s key social worker from Children’s Social Care Services and ensuring the establishment is made aware of the requirements of the child protection plan.

Receiving establishment unknown:

If a child, subject of a child protection plan leaves and the name of the child’s new education placement is unknown, the DSL will contact the child’s Social Worker to discuss how and when records should be transferred. Where the records are of prior child protection/welfare concerns, and there is not an open case or a social worker involved with the family, the DSL will inform the Family Front Door.


Child protection files would be retained by us and transferred to the new setting, once known, or destroyed once the child has reached the age of 25.


Building a Safer Workforce:



The provider checks the suitability and obtains an enhanced criminal record records disclosure for anyone working directly with the children. We keep a record of the date and the serial number of the DBS certificate.

Applicants are asked to complete an application form and we obtain two employer’s references, including the most recent employer. If this is not possible, for example, if the applicant is applying for their first position, we will obtain character references and complete a risk assessment.

Staff do not take up a post until all checks are completed satisfactorily.
The registered provider and the manager of the setting have completed safer recruitment training and at least one of them is included on every interview panel.
We keep a record of ID checks, right to work in the UK, qualifications (certificates are checked), references obtained, and DBS certificate details.
The same processes are used for volunteers and student DBS certificates obtained by their training provider are checked and the details recorded.


Induction, training, and continued supervision:

All new staff, students, and volunteers are given a copy of all policies and procedures and receive induction training which includes:

– An understanding of the settings safeguarding policies and procedure
– Behaviour management
– How and when mobile phones and technology can be used in the setting.

– How to define and identify possible signs of harm, abuse, and neglect
– What to do if concerns arise
– What to do if concerned about the behaviour or conduct of another adult
– Who is the designated safeguarding lead in the setting

All staff complete safeguarding training at least every three years. The DSL, deputy DSL, and manager complete designated safeguarding training and attend regular safeguarding update/forum meetings at least annually.

Safeguarding is always discussed at staff meetings and all staff are provided with updates at least twice annually.

Supervision meetings take place for all staff at least every term. The purpose of this is to foster a culture of mutual support and continuous improvement by providing support, coaching, and training for staff, and encouraging confidential discussion of sensitive issues. The registered provider conducts supervision meetings with the manager.


Staff are required to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders reprimands, and warnings that might affect their suitability to work with children, whether these occur before, or during, their employment at the setting. They are asked to confirm this at each supervision meeting.


If staff have concerns about a colleague, they report them to the manager, provider, or DSL either at their supervision meeting or preferably as the issue occurs. If they feel unable to do so they can seek guidance using the government guidance on whistleblowing (opens in new window).
All information relating to concerns would be handled in confidence, kept in a locked secure location, and only made available to those who have a right or professional need to see them.

Allegations against someone working [or living] on the premises:

A complaint is an allegation of abuse if it indicates that someone:

– Has/may have acted in a way that has harmed a child
– Acted in a way that has put a child at risk
– Possibly committed a criminal offense against or related to a child
– Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he/she is unsuitable to work with children

If a complaint (from a parent, child, staff member, member of the public, etc) includes an allegation of abuse, whether made verbally or in writing, the incident would be noted in the record of complaints (with minimal detail to ensure confidentiality) and the registered provider informed. The registered provider will make a record of the allegation.

We will not investigate an allegation of abuse or discuss it with the person involved and we will follow the advice of Children’s Social Care.

The registered provider will inform Ofsted of any allegations of serious harm or abuse whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere.

– Confirmation of the allegation in writing would be sought from the person making the allegation, but action would not be delayed whilst awaiting written confirmation

– The recipient of the allegation would immediately inform the registered provider.

– The registered person may delegate responsibility for action to the setting manager but remains accountable for ensuring that the concern is shared immediately with the LADO on 01905 846221

– The manager would telephone the LADO and if this is not possible, the Family Front Door.

– If the allegation is against the DSL or the manager, it will be necessary to report the concern to the person’s superior. If this is not possible staff should inform the LADO directly.

– If the allegation is against the registered person, the DSL should inform the LADO immediately and notify Ofsted (or any relevant childminder agency)

– A note would be made of any actions advised by the LADO or by Ofsted and of the date and time they are implemented

– The provider would conduct a risk assessment to determine whether the staff member should be suspended.

– Parents/carers would be informed unless doing so could put the child in further danger.

If no further action is recommended, we may still proceed with disciplinary procedures. If there are concerns about the suitability of the member of staff to continue to work with children, we have a statutory duty to refer to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
In all cases where an allegation against a member of staff is made, we would review all policies and procedures and address identified training/supervision needs.

Records of allegations would be retained until the alleged perpetrator reaches normal retirement age, or for 10 years if that is longer.


Policy review:

This policy will be reviewed annually or when an incident occurs or there are new local or national policies and procedures. The review process will be led by the registered provider and the DSL and include all those working in the setting.


At Phoenix Childcare we believe it is important to take a holistic approach to children’s learning as we should be thinking about the whole of the child and their well-being, allowing their self-esteem to develop in a positive manner.

We incorporate the reformed Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework to support and develop children’s play and learning.

The EYFS covers birth until the end of Reception and is split into seven main areas of development, three prime areas, and four specific areas, each broken down into smaller aspects of learning.  All areas are important and interconnected.


Prime; These three areas are particularly important for a child’s development and future learning.


Personal, Social, and Emotional Development:


– Building Relationships

– Self-Regulation (managing feelings and behaviour)

– Managing self (self-care such as toileting, oral health, and becoming independent)


Communication and Language:


– Listening, Attention, and Understanding

– Speaking


Physical development:


– Gross motor development and skills

– Fine motor development and skills



Specific; There are four specific areas through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied.



– Comprehension

– Word Reading (phase one phonics for us)

– Writing (Mark making)



– Number (recognition, counting by rote and 1:1)

– Numerical Patterns (subitising, part, part whole)

– We will still look at shape, and measurement in line with the development of our children.


Understanding the world

– Past and Present

– People, Cultures, and Communities

– The Natural World


Expressive arts and design

– Being Imaginative and Expressive (role play, singing, dancing, artwork)

– Creating with materials (construction, modeling)

The curriculum is all the planned and unplanned activities that are organized within the nursery and are based heavily on a child’s Personal, Social, and Emotional development which underpins all curriculum areas. Children learn and develop best when they feel safe, secure, and supported. This enables children to take risks and allows them to feel valued.





British Values are embedded within our environment and routines. We are respectful, kind, and considerate to all those who attend. We recognise the diversity of our children and families within our setting, treating everyone as they deserve to be treated. Our objective is to celebrate the developmental stage of the children, not necessarily the age of the children. We embrace the curricula and lay the foundations for the promotion of well-balanced, kind, and considerate individuals.



Organisation and planning:


The rooms and routines are planned out and organised to support the development of the children holistically.


There is a yearly overview of topic ideas for each half term which is regularly reviewed. Topics and curriculum areas are discussed within planning meetings with key staff in each room regularly, incorporating the children’s ideas and individual needs.


Activities are carefully planned to enable children to develop both physically and cognitively at their own pace.


There is a balance of pre-planned and in-the-moment planning of activities that reflect both our themes and the children’s interests. Children have independent access to a variety of activities and toys in each area from the shelves and resources provided.


Our weekly planning sheets are working documents that reflect the areas of learning that are pre-planned and added at the moment. All plans are subject to change depending on the environmental surroundings and children’s interests.



Characteristics of Learning:


Effective learning is defined as methods of learning that involve children actively participating in their own learning and personal development.

The emphasis on how children learn has huge potential to transform early years practice and empower children as confident, creative, lifelong learners.

Children are encouraged to follow their interests, make independent choices about their learning, and are supported to develop their thinking skills through quality adult interactions.


We use named dinosaurs to represent the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’. The Characteristics of Effective Learning are divided into three sections. They are all interconnected and overlap with one another. All children demonstrate each of them at some time – provided they are allowed to do so.


This means that everything in our setting, including the outdoor and indoor environments that children are active in throughout the day, has been thought about and developed with these characteristics in mind. Three characteristics drive our teaching and signpost to practitioners that a child is learning:


Playing and Exploring – Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.


– Imagindoucus – Playing with what I know.

– Explorosaurus – Finding out and exploring

– Candoceratops – Willing to have a go.


Active Learning – Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy environments.


– Proudosaurus – Achieving what I set out to do.

– Tryceratops – Keep on trying.

– Stickosaurus – Being involved and concentrating.


Creating and Thinking Critically – Children have and develop their ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


– Thinkodactyl – Having my own ideas.

– Solveosaurus – Choosing ways to do things.

– Buildosaurus – Making links/ using what they already know to learn new things.



Aims and objectives:


The aim of the nursery curriculum is:


– To provide an environment and atmosphere in which children feel safe and secure in sharing their ideas and thoughts, supporting their self-esteem so they have the confidence to try.

– To promote a positive attitude towards learning by providing hands-on, fun activities with clear expectations and engaging stimuli.

– To provide a balanced curriculum with quality interactions with the staff using open-ended questions.

– To enable all children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability, at their own pace

– To empower children to take control of their learning, self-discovery, exploration, and their natural curiosity.

– To promote the importance of the process of learning and not just the result.

– To inform our planning and assessment needs

– To identify what adults can do and provide support to further the child’s learning

– To enable us to provide continuity between home, nursery, and the receiving primary Schools



Observations and Assessment:


The purpose of the assessment is to:


– Inform planning so that the child’s existing knowledge and skills can be considered

– Identify children who may need specialist help as early as possible

– Evaluate the quality of provision provided for the children in our care.

– Create a profile of the child’s development for parents and the schools those children will move on to.


Our main form of assessment is developed through observations of the children across the whole nursery environment, routines, free play, outside play, group activities, and 1-1. Observations are recorded using “Famly” an online account to create an individual learning journey for each child in our setting. Please see our separate Famly policy for more information.


The methods of observation used:


– Setting up specific activities and observing the child’s reaction to them

– Focusing on a particular task or activity

– Following children’s IEP (Individual Educational Plan) and addressing through observation and assessment the targets set.


By recording children’s development, we can:


– Find a child’s stage of development so that appropriate aims and objectives can be set through planning.

– Monitor children regularly and check on their progress

– Identify strengths and weaknesses

– Enable us to provide continuity between home, Nursery and receiving Primary School

– Inform our planning

– Identify what adults can do and provide to support the child’s learning further


Recording and sharing of observations and assessment:


– Family online journal

– Parental questionnaires via the ‘All About Me’ book

– Individual child progress checks in each room termly to inform discussions at parent’s evenings

– Wellcomm speech and language check in Cubs and Tigers

– Two-year checks

– Tigers end of Pre-school report



Wellcomm Speech and Language check:


The Wellcomm check is done at roughly 2yrs, 3mths and then periodically thereafter up until the term before school. It checks on a child’s understanding of language and highlights areas of language that require further development. Any real concerns are shared with the parents with a possible referral to a speech therapist if required.



Two-Year-Progress Check:


Between the ages of two and three, every child who attends Phoenix Childcare will have a progress review. This is a requirement of the EYFS and will be carried out by the child’s keyworker concentrating on the prime areas of learning. It will highlight strengths any areas where the child’s progress may be less than expected and steps put in place to address any concerns.

The child’s parents/carers will be asked to come in and discuss the review with the keyworker and include their views and comments in the summary.



Information sharing:


At Phoenix Childcare we value the importance of how parents and carers contribute towards children’s assessments and learning and understand the benefit of information sharing.


To ensure this happens we will:


– Display an information board which explains how the Early Years Foundation Stage works and how it links to each age group.

– Offer ideas to support children’s learning at home

– Hold parents/carers’ evenings annually

– If a child attends another setting, each term the child’s keyworker will endeavour to make contact with them to share developmental information on the child. (Permission will be sought from the parent carer first).


Policy updated June 2023

Due for review June 2024

Statement of intent

The nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual, whether they are an adult or a child. The nursery is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families according to their individual needs. Discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, ethnic or national origin, or political belief has no place within this nursery.

A commitment to implementing our inclusion and equality policy will form part of each employee’s job description. Should anyone believe that this policy is not being upheld, they must report the matter to the attention of the [*nursery manager/ owner/*registered person] at the earliest opportunity. Appropriate steps will then be taken to investigate the matter and if such concerns are well-founded, disciplinary action will be invoked under the nursery’s disciplinary policy.



The legal framework for this policy is based on:


– Equality Act 2010

– Children Act 2004

– Care Standards Act 2002

– Childcare Act (2006 and 2016)

– Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001.


The nursery and staff are committed to:


– Recruiting, selecting, training, and promoting individuals based on occupational skills requirements. In this respect, the nursery will ensure that no job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment because of age, sex, gender reassignment, disability, marriage or civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity which cannot be justified as being necessary for the safe and effective performance of their work or training.


– Providing a childcare place, wherever possible, for children who may have learning difficulties and/or disabilities or are deemed disadvantaged according to their circumstances, and the nursery’s ability to provide the necessary standard of care.


– Making reasonable adjustments for children with special educational needs and disabilities.


– Striving to promote equal access to services and projects by taking practical steps (wherever possible and reasonable), such as ensuring access to people with additional needs and by producing materials in relevant languages and media for all children and their families.


– Providing a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and all contributions are valued.


– Including and valuing the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality, inclusion, and diversity.


– Providing positive non-stereotypical information


– Continually improving our knowledge and understanding of issues of equality, inclusion, and diversity.


– Regularly reviewing, monitoring, and evaluating the effectiveness of inclusive practices to ensure they promote and value diversity and difference and that the policy is effective and practices are non-discriminatory.


– Making inclusion a thread, which runs through the entirety of the nursery, for example, by encouraging positive role models through the use of toys, imaginary play, and activities, promoting non-stereotypical images and language, and challenging all discriminatory behaviour (see dealing with discriminatory behaviour policy).



Admissions/service provision:


The nursery is accessible to all children and families in the local community and further afield through a comprehensive and inclusive admissions policy.

The nursery will strive to ensure that all services and projects are accessible and relevant to all groups and individuals in the community within targeted age groups.



Early learning framework:


Early learning opportunities offered in the nursery encourage children to develop positive attitudes toward people who are different from them. It encourages children to empathise with others and to begin to develop the skills of critical thinking.


We do this by:


– Making children feel valued and good about themselves

– Ensuring that all children have equal access to early learning and play opportunities

– Reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources

– Avoiding stereotypical or derogatory images in the selection of materials

– Acknowledging and celebrating a wide range of religions, beliefs and festivals

– Creating an environment of mutual respect and empathy

– Helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are unacceptable

– Ensuring that all early learning opportunities offered are inclusive of children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

– Ensuring that children whose first language is not English have full access to early learning opportunities and are supported in their learning.

– Working in partnership with all families to ensure they understand the policy and challenge any discriminatory comments made.

– Ensuring the medical, cultural, and dietary needs of children are met

– Helping children to learn about a range of food and cultural approaches to meal times and to respect the differences among them.



Information and meetings:


Information about the nursery, its activities and their children’s development will be given in a variety of ways according to individual needs (written, verbal and translated), to ensure that all parents can access the information they need. Wherever possible, meetings will be arranged to give all families options to attend and contribute their ideas about the running of the nursery.

If children become unwell at the nursery they will be cared for, every effort will be made to contact the parents/carers promptly. The situation will be monitored in the meantime and recorded.


High Temperature:


Baby and child temperatures vary but an average is 36.4 °C, a high temperature is 38 °C or above (NHS). It will usually be accompanied by one of more of the following:


– Clamminess

– Sweating

– Irritability

– Flushed face

– Tiredness


There could also be a headache or shivering.

The temperature of the child will be taken frequently using an ear thermometer. If it is 37.5 °C or above, then their temperature will be monitored. If, after 2 hours there is still cause for concern, or they reach 38 °C the on-duty manager will make the final decision as to whether parents should be contacted and asked to collect. In the meantime, the child will be kept comfortable by sponging lukewarm water on his/her forehead and by drinking cool water.


NB Parents will be contacted immediately if the high temperature is accompanied by any of the following:


– The child won’t take fluids.

– Has an unusual rash

– Has a stiff neck

– Has a severe headache

– Has difficulty breathing

– Has had a febrile convulsion


Please refer to Policy In Locoparentis for guidance on when a parent is not able to be contacted.

If parents cannot be contacted or you are overly concerned about a child and would like further advice the on-duty manager can contact 111.



If a Child sustains an injury at Nursery

The member of staff on duty must immediately complete an accident form as soon as the child has been attended to and is relatively safe and comfortable.

If considered a serious injury the manager will decide to contact the parent/carer. If, in case of a genuine emergency, the manager will contact the ambulance service directly. In this case, arrangements will be made to meet the parents at the point of care. If the parent prefers this course of action, there will be at least 2 members of staff (or designated CRB-cleared Golf Club personnel*) accompanying the child. All accompanying staff should have mobile phones on their person.


 (Please refer to the policy on In Locoparentis).





– Alex Fernihough DBS and own vehicle

– Jenny Fernihough DBS and own vehicle

– NB Green-keeping staff, because of their proximity to the nursery building may also be asked to assist. However, it should be noted that they are not DBS-cleared.




‘Phoenix Childcare’ will make every effort to contact parents and main carers in cases of emergency, however, in some circumstances, this may not be possible. On registration, parents are asked to sign an ‘In locoparentis’ agreement which allows the managers of the setting to act or make critical decisions on their behalf.


Policy updated June 2023

Due to be reviewed June 2024


This document outlines the responsibilities of the nursery and parents/carers when administering prescribed medication to children, in accordance with Ofsted guidelines.


Medication Procedure to be followed

Should your child need to receive medication whilst attending a session at Phoenix Childcare, please be aware that we can only administer medication prescribed by your child’s GP.


It is recommended that children are not given unprescribed medication while they are at Nursery, and we ask that children requiring this type of medication do not attend nursery until they are well enough to do so. Please be aware that should your child be prescribed antibiotics they may need to stay at home for a few days before returning to nursery. The exact length of exclusion needs to be decided by your child’s GP but we request that your child is kept away from Nursery for a minimum of 24 hours after the first dose is given in case there is an adverse effect. This includes Immunisations too. After an immunisation we request children are kept home for 24 hours after in case there is an adverse effect.


All medication must be in its original container and clearly labeled with the original sticker stating the dosage, your child’s name only, and the date of expiry. A supervisor or manager will check these details. All children’s medication will be stored in the nursery fridge unless other storage instructions are given. Any medication that is not required to be kept in the fridge will be stored safely in the office. Any staff medications will be kept in the staff area fridge or office.


We must complete a short-term medication form every time you require the nursery to administer prescribed medication to your child. A member of staff or manager will complete this with you.


We require:

  • Date and time of when the medication is to be administered
  • The type of medication to be administered


The parent/carer must sign this form to give consent for a staff member or Manager to administer the medication. All staff/managers that administer medication will use the same form to record the times of dosage. Another supervisor/manager will counter-sign to confirm that they have witnessed the medication being administered. Parents/carers are required to read and sign this record upon collection of their child.


The medication records will be kept for a period of  20 years. Any significant incident concerning administration of medication will be reported to Ofsted.


Alternative Remedies and Barrier Cream

Unfortunately, we are unable to administer alternative remedies except teething powders.


If your child is in nappies and occasionally needs a protective ‘barrier’ cream, you should supply this yourself, with your child’s name labeled on the front of the container.


Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Calpol / Nurofen* for children and other paracetamol and ibuprofen-based medications can only be administered to a child if prescribed or parents can provide a covering letter from your child’s G.P stating why your child needs to be given Calpol at nursery. The letter must remain in your child’s file within the nursery. You will also be required to complete a medication form as above.


The nursery will keep Calpol in the manager’s office as an emergency for very high temperatures to be administered with parents’ consent only if they are delayed in picking up their child and, not receiving the Calpol could risk the child’s temperature spiking with the possible result being a febrile convulsion. (Refer to Sickness policy).


Conjunctivitis Creams or Drops

If your child contracts conjunctivitis the nursery can only administer cream/drops which are prescribed by a doctor. This can be administered at Nursery. A member of staff will ask parents to fill out a short-term medication form giving us permission to administer this. The staff members must follow the guidance on the box at all times not exceeding the recommended dosage. Parents will need to sign this form at the end of each day that your child attends to acknowledge it has been given.


Specific Medication

If your child is on long-term medication, or needs medication in emergencies e.g. inhalers or Epipens* (for allergic reaction), it is imperative that you discuss this with the Nursery management as an individual healthcare plan or an additional awareness form may need to be drawn up with you to ensure your child is known to all staff members.


A staff member will fill out a long-term medication form with you which will need to be signed annually to ensure that we have the correct information. Parents will also be required to sign the form everyday, acknowledging it has been given.


If there is any specific training that we require to administer specific medication your child will not be able to attend until this training has been received. A record will be kept alongside the healthcare plan of who has been trained to administer the medication so they can be called upon in an emergency.


Sun cream

The use of sun cream is covered in detail in the Sun Safety policy. 



The nursery is insured for administration of first aid, consented medication, and emergency treatment.



Forms to work alongside this policy are:

  • Short-term medication forms
  • Healthcare plan for a child with specific medical needs


Policy updated January 2024

Due for review January 2025

Accordion Content

We believe that children always have a reason for the way in which they behave, and it is up to the staff as professionals to find out the reason why through observations and understanding of children’s development. As children are learning and developing their own thinking, they are also developing their independency and the understanding of their feelings. Inappropriate behaviour is often the result of children’s emotions taking over as they develop self-control. Therefore, we use a restorative approach and allow children time to talk when they are feeling calmer and supported. Children learn how to behave appropriately from the behaviour that is modelled for them.


Understanding the reason behind behaviours:


– Young children are egotistical and are learning to develop empathy for others.

– Children often are unable to communicate how they are feeling and become frustrated, which can lead to crying uncontrollably and lashing out at others.

– Children are still developing their self-control.

– Children may have an underlying condition where they lack impulse control and are reactive to their surroundings and/or sensory stimulations.

– Children may just need extra attention as that is what they are craving.




We aim to help children develop and grow in a happy, relaxed and enjoyable environment. Children will be treated as individuals and are encouraged in their play to always respect each other. We aim to focus on positive behaviour and use praise and encouragement to support children in making good choices and behaving appropriately. Staff will be good role models for our children by demonstrating respect, drawing attention to friendliness, care and courtesy, and using supportive language.


What do our aims mean?


Positive behaviour, we believe children are developing their skills to be able to:


– Treat other children and adults with respect

– Speak politely to other people and use their manners

– Have self-confidence and high self-esteem

– Have an understanding of their feelings and express how they feel.

– Safely learn the difference between making good choices instead of poor choices and knowing right from wrong.

– Make good choices by following instructions when asked

– Use the resources provided appropriately.


To encourage this, the staff will:


– Treat all children and adults with respect and as they would like to be treated.

– Speak politely to all other people

– Praise children’s efforts and achievements as often as they can using supportive language.

– Encourage children to label their feelings and offer support and comfort when needed.

– Discourage inappropriate behaviour by focusing on rewarding positive behaviour (for example, if children aren’t listening or following an instruction focus on those children that are by giving them praise and high fives, the other children, wanting praise will follow what the children making good choices are doing).

– Give children time to make the right choice if a poor choice has been made.

– Model how to use resources and participate in activities.

– Tell parents and carers about their child’s efforts and achievements.

– Avoid using negative, critical, or sarcastic language (for example instead of saying ‘don’t run’ say ‘walking feet thank you’.


We will NOT accept the following behaviour from adults or children:


– The use of rude or unkind words

– Hitting, kicking, biting or other such physical actions

– All forms of bullying

– Any form of corporal punishment


We will always try to explain why such behaviour is unacceptable.

Children need to feel safe and supported to enable them to make good choices. They are developing their independence and need to feel they have some control and can make their own choices.

Giving children plenty of opportunity to be independent and make some of their own choices will be catered for within each room of Phoenix Nursery. Routines and consistency are key in helping children feel secure and know what’s going to happen when.



Behaviour Procedure Path and language to use:


For most children under the age of two, they are going through a developmental stage and distraction or moving away to a different area or activity is all that is required. Staff will promote more positive behaviour through play, stories and songs.


Above the age of two, when children are exhibiting inappropriate behaviour use the child’s name to gain their focus.


– Get down to the child’s level.

– In a calm voice, explain they are making a poor choice and why.

– Tell them what it is you want them to do using clear, short and direct instructions one at a time (for example, ‘I need you to…’).

– If they don’t respond appropriately, tell them they are making a poor choice and you will count to three, if they haven’t made the right choice, they will be inviting you to choose for them.

– If the child makes the right choice, praise them for making that choice.

– If a child continues to use inappropriate behaviour explain that because they have made a poor choice, they have now invited you to choose for them.

– Explain that you are going to move them away for some ‘time to think’ 1 minute per year of a child’s age. Place the child in a safe, calm space.

– Once the child is calm enough to talk use a restorative approach to talk through what happened, why and what could be done next time instead.

– Remind the child to make good choices and always praise them when they do.

– Always recognise a child’s feelings. It is okay to be upset, angry, frustrated etc however, it’s not ok to lash out or behave inappropriately, especially towards others or the resources.

– Give children the opportunity to cry with comfort if needed. Give them a pillow to squeeze or hit if they need to relieve some anger or frustration.

– Help children recognise their feelings.

– Notify parents of behaviour, why you think it happened and how it was dealt with. Be careful not to unduly concern them but let them know that you will be monitoring their behaviour. Be honest but most importantly be sensitive.


If there are any concerns surrounding a child’s behaviour, the following steps should be followed:


– Make notes and observations at each point that the child’s behaviour becomes inappropriate. You must record the time, and date, which adults were present, which significant children were present and most importantly what the incident was. Note exactly what behaviour was displayed by the child and how it was dealt with, also note down how the child reacted to having his/her behaviour addressed.

– If the behaviour continues, staff must talk to the designated member of staff for Behaviour Management. After reading the observations and notes, they will discuss and agree on an appropriate action plan for all staff concerned to follow. This must also be discussed with the parent/career for their input; it may also be decided to continue this action plan at home if needed. It is the responsibility of the key person to ensure the room supervisor is made fully aware of the situation and the action plan, as well as sharing this information with any other room staff members who come into contact with the child. Communication and consistency is key.

– When an action plan or strategies are put in place staff and parents/careers must agree on a review date. All staff must be made fully aware of the actions, and they will be required to make notes/observations should they be involved in/witness any negative behaviour from the child, this is to ensure consistency.

– If the inappropriate behaviour continues, staff and parents may seek advice from the designated person for behaviour at any time during the action plan. The action plan will continue to be updated and reviewed until the inappropriate behaviour is amended.

– Always remember to keep parents continuously in the picture regarding their child’s behaviour

– Should the above steps still not meet the child’s needs, Phoenix Childcare may seek support from Worcestershire children first. Consent will be sought from the child’s parents/careers before this step is taken, a letter of consent will also be issued and signed by an appropriate patent/career. This action may be taken at an earlier opportunity depending on the individual child’s needs.



Designated member of staff:


The designated member of staff for behavioural issues is Fiona Andrews.  We expect this designated person to attend the required training and report back to all staff employed at Phoenix Childcare.


The responsibilities of the designated person for behaviour management are: 


– Keep up to date with legislation, research and thinking on handling

Children’s behaviour

– Make available relevant sources of expertise on handling children’s


– Make sure there is stability and consistency amongst all staff on

behavioural issues

– Ensure and record staff have relevant in-service training on

Handling children’s behaviour



Useful contacts:


The Worcestershire Virtual Family Hub | Worcestershire County Council


If in the case of a child’s behaviour becomes consistently aggressive causing harm or affecting another child’s or member of staff’s wellbeing, the Nursery Manager may decide to exclude the child from the nursery for the rest of the day, or longer if necessary.

If you are not happy with how your child has been treated by a member of staff, you should refer to our ‘Complaints Policy & Procedure’.


This policy is by the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, Issued by the Department for Education in September 2021.


Policy updated July 2023

Due to be reviewed July 2024

Middle Lane, Hadzor, Droitwich, Worcestershire

Get in touch with us

"Children are extremely confident, self-assured and settled in this exceptional nursery. They receive excellent care and education from passionate, knowledgeable and caring staff."
- December 2022